Choral Festival Next Monday
I am looking forward to our Choral Festival happening next Monday at the Sagebrush Theatre, this is where the students perform the pieces they have been taught and then are adjudicated.
4:30 pm session:
Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir - (Drop off time is 4:00pm, pick up is 5:15 ish Sagebrush)
Full uniform is required, hair back in a braid, no nail polish, jewelry or makeup. (You can not go on stage if you're out of uniform)
Please do not send any food or take out drinks.
I will be waiting for your children, and they will be escorted to thier warm up room. This is not a concert, it is a judging event. We really need each child to attend.
You are may stay and watch the performance. Please note the festival charges a minium donation of $2 to watch. There is no photography or vidoes allowed, and we ask everyone to be respectful of the festival and sagebrush rules. Including no food ro drinks
Pick up will be 5:15ish...we really have no control over the adjudicator and how long he will take so this is just our best guess.
Pick up will be 5:15ish...we really have no control over the adjudicator and how long he will take so this is just our best guess.
If you can not attend, please email your manager asap.