Updated information about TVO concerts
TVO Concert is here and these are the dates.
This is a must purchase ticket event!!!
(Tickets at the door, we are a guest choir and can not reserve seats, please respect this and plan to attend for the whole performance)
Tickets are $20 per adult, $10 per student, with children 12 and under free. (Cash only)
Where: Full Gospel Church.
1550 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC V2B 3K9
Mandatory Concert Rehearsal:
Monday Nov 25th,
Where: Full Gospel Church.
1550 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC V2B 3K9
Drop off is 7pm- pick up is 8:30 pm (we are a guest choir at this concert, we do not control the dates and times please respect this, also please do not send any food items with your child)
Regular rehearsal Tuesday at HGC
Concert: Saturday Nov, 30th 7:00pm, Concer: Sunday Dec, 1st 3:00pm (note the time change from 2 pm)
Both these concerts are a two hour performance.
No camera or videos please
Dress: Full choir uniform, Hair in 1 French or 1 back braid. Boys must have black pants and shoes.
Please do not send electronics or food with your child. (Only a water bottle) We can not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Your child will remain with the choir the whole performance, again please do not plan to leave early, as they are also a part of the end performance.