Choral Festival Next Monday

I am looking forward to our Choral Festival happening next Monday at the Sagebrush Theatre, this is where the students perform the pieces they have been taught and then are adjudicated. 

This festival is a collaboration between SD73 and KFPA. Dr. Brendan Lord is here from Alberta as our adjudicator and after each piece there will be some silence while he finishes writing his thoughtful feedback for your adjudication.

4:30 pm session:

Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir - (Drop off time is 4:00pm, pick up is 5:15 ish Sagebrush) 

Full uniform is required, hair back in a braid, no nail polish, jewelry or makeup. (You can not go on stage if you're out of uniform)

Please do not send any food or take out drinks. 

I will be waiting for your children, and they will be escorted to thier warm up room. This is not a concert, it is a judging event. We really need each child to attend.

You are may stay and watch the performance.  Please note the festival charges a minium donation of $2 to watch.  There is no photography or vidoes allowed, and we ask everyone to be respectful of the festival and sagebrush rules. Including no food ro drinks
Pick up will be 5:15ish...we really have no control over the adjudicator and how long he will take so this is just our best guess.

If you can not attend, please email your manager asap.